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Surface Finishing Guide

Surface Finishing Guide

How to Polishing Titanium Parts: A Step-by-Step Guide

Polished titanium refers to the precision processing of the surface of titanium parts to improve their aesthetics and functional quality. Especially in the medical field, highly polished titanium implants can reduce friction with human tissues and improve patient comfort. Polishing titanium involves multiple steps and delicate operations. Each step, from initial preparation to final polishing, […]

Surface Finishing Guide

Beginner’s Guide – What is Brushed Aluminum?

Brushed is the most commonly used process for aluminum alloys before anodizing. It can endow metal products with unique texture and aesthetics. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the principle, application, and development of brushed aluminum technology. What is brushed aluminum? Brushed aluminum is a type of surface finishing created through a specific

Surface Finishing Guide

When is Passivation of Stainless Steel Required? Detailed Guide

Stainless steel is a type of metal material resistant to corrosion, but during the manufacturing process, it undergoes procedures such as transportation, marking, cutting, forming, and MIG welding, which may result in scratches, marks, and hammer imprints on the surface. These defects decrease the corrosion resistance of the components, directly impacting their lifespan. Passivation, however,

Surface Finishing Guide

Alodine Process: A Guide for Precision Aluminum Machined Parts

After precision machining, aluminum parts often confront challenges posed by harsh environmental conditions, with corrosion and surface damage emerging as primary culprits for component failure. In response to this challenge, manufacturers actively employ the Alodine surface finishing technique to enhance the corrosion resistance and surface quality of their products, thereby ensuring the stability and reliability

Surface Finishing Guide

Surface Finish Symbols: Everything You Need to Know

The surface finish symbol provides a standardized way in engineering and manufacturing to convey the required surface texture of parts or products. In this article, we will delve into everything you need to know about surface finish symbols, including their meanings, usage, and importance in various industries. What are symbols of surface finish? Surface finish

Figure 1: Comparison before and after deburring
Surface Finishing Guide

What’s Deburring: 10 Simple Deburring Methods

If you frequently purchase parts, you have likely encountered burrs on these parts and had to deal with the unwanted burrs on the parts. These defects can occur in various manufacturing processes such as drilling, milling, turning, grinding, or stamping, and if left untreated, they can compromise the functionality, safety, and aesthetics of the final

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